Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Get up!

Don't think Globalization is all good and no bad? Think again! For you who's always thinking positively, start thinking negatively.

One of the negative effect of Globalization is the result of work space. If foreign people started coming to Indonesia, the work space which is already small grew smaller. There's a threat that foreign people who is more professional in their work taking all the work in Indonesia! Some of us doesn't have great education, causing low qualities.

Indonesia has a problem with the citizen's qualities. You see...we'll always feel threaten that foreign people will take over our country, but that is not an excuse!

I see there are many great Indonesians! Many have gone to many countries. Many have done something not anyone can do. I'm sure that everyone can be great. (Says the girl who's always pessimistic)

Source : brainstuck.com

The good thing about this is because it gives us more motivation (in which I hardly have). The feeling of rivalry is the best motivation you can get. You don't want to lose. You can show you're better self as you try and try and try. You should never give up on anything! "Get up and stand tall!" Here's a motto, an actual Globalization motto.

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