Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Easy Breezy

Source : niponkambiong.blogspot.com

*Sigh in Content* This is the life! I'm just sitting here like the lazy pants I am. Because of all the technology here, I turned into a big lazy blob. This is the reason for my post "Lazy is not a Crime".

I read that the positive effects of globalization is We can get anything we want easily, but you still need money. In here I'm telling you the reason I wrote "Lazy is Not a Crime". I feel like it's not our fault. Our needs are fulfilled and it has exceeded my expectations. Since Globalization makes fulfilling our needs easier, I'm afraid it can turn people lazy.

Because of Globalization, we can have all the information we want in the internet. For us students, internet is a big help, seriously, a BIG help. We students have to search something, we can't find it in the books we read. That's where the sweet internet comes in. We can search what we want in Google. Peace of cake for us.

I'm grateful for the internet. We can trade information, get information faster than ever!

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