Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Mini Comic

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Ini nih,, kita mau kasih liat mini comic tentang Global Warming, Ingat! bukan Globlalisasi loh ...

ini just kidding aja kok :D

Get up!

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Don't think Globalization is all good and no bad? Think again! For you who's always thinking positively, start thinking negatively.

One of the negative effect of Globalization is the result of work space. If foreign people started coming to Indonesia, the work space which is already small grew smaller. There's a threat that foreign people who is more professional in their work taking all the work in Indonesia! Some of us doesn't have great education, causing low qualities.

Indonesia has a problem with the citizen's qualities. You see...we'll always feel threaten that foreign people will take over our country, but that is not an excuse!

I see there are many great Indonesians! Many have gone to many countries. Many have done something not anyone can do. I'm sure that everyone can be great. (Says the girl who's always pessimistic)

Source : brainstuck.com

The good thing about this is because it gives us more motivation (in which I hardly have). The feeling of rivalry is the best motivation you can get. You don't want to lose. You can show you're better self as you try and try and try. You should never give up on anything! "Get up and stand tall!" Here's a motto, an actual Globalization motto.

Easy Breezy

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Source : niponkambiong.blogspot.com

*Sigh in Content* This is the life! I'm just sitting here like the lazy pants I am. Because of all the technology here, I turned into a big lazy blob. This is the reason for my post "Lazy is not a Crime".

I read that the positive effects of globalization is We can get anything we want easily, but you still need money. In here I'm telling you the reason I wrote "Lazy is Not a Crime". I feel like it's not our fault. Our needs are fulfilled and it has exceeded my expectations. Since Globalization makes fulfilling our needs easier, I'm afraid it can turn people lazy.

Because of Globalization, we can have all the information we want in the internet. For us students, internet is a big help, seriously, a BIG help. We students have to search something, we can't find it in the books we read. That's where the sweet internet comes in. We can search what we want in Google. Peace of cake for us.

I'm grateful for the internet. We can trade information, get information faster than ever!


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Source : mungkondo.blogspot.com

I haven't told you guys what is Globalisasi haven't I? I'm really sorry. I'm stressed out all week.

Globalization is a process of interaction between, individuals, gorups, and countries. Serously... Globalization is worth everything. When I first heard of it... I thought it was about Global Warming and stuff... man... was I wrong!

The Global thing really turned me. Anyway. Shall we FINALLY discuss it? Yes.

With Globalization, I think it's feeling like a human being. I know we're humans, but humans can lose their humanity. Here it is! With Globalization we can communicate and hang out with other people. Our country is also nowhere with Globalization.

Indonesia has had many wonderful technologies from many countries. Maybe... I f we don't have those technologies... we would be lonely, depressed, and maybe shun ourselves from the real world. Look at me!I can type this post with the help of technology from other countries! I've felt secure for all this time because of Globalization, I guess. I'm happy because I learn many thing from technologies (from other countries). I can imagine things, think outside the box. You can say, those posts before... it's like my result on Globalization. Many would think it's all about the tech. Well, they're kind of true. Hahaha.

Positive effects : 1. We have many imported items from around the world
Negative effects : 1. We also have to export our items too, but it's hard because there's so many competitions.

Source: vennd09.wordpress.com

This is the 1st post about Globalization! Theme? Technology!

Very Glad!

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I'm very glad! I'm glad I'm in Yogyakarta! You know why? Guess? If you guess because of tourist spots... WRONG! You guess wrong!

Several reason I like Yogya. It's not the capital! Capital is... well, it's no fun. Very crowded and sometimes too many problems. I like Yogyakarta because it's very peace, and maybe friendly. I know a lot of nice people here. Also I don't like a certain man there.

Yogya is also the place of the great MERAPI! I was kind of excited and scared. You have to admit it was exciting! What I hate about the situation is the people's ego. I watched in the news. People many got killed to get money or meat. Being trampled.... I hate it. Come on! When we're in a crisis, we should have helped each other. Not go stealing everyone's properties.

I'm amazed with the Japanese. They had a bigger crisis than in Yogya's, but they manage to get up so fast. They helped each other. That's what Yogya need.

It's also good that Yogya is a special region. I don't want it's title taken away, and I would probably hate the one who would take away Yogya's title. I'll go berserk. Seriously. Throw in prison, but don't take Yogya's title away. It's a very important culture to us who live in Yogya.
It's a big deal. I'm glad I got to live in Yogya. It's fun!

Poetry Quotes 1

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Oh, Bumiku
Sungguh malang nasibmu
Betapa khawatirnya aku padamu
Dan ingin ku obati dirimu
Jangan menangis
Karena kulitmu tipis, (kulit maksudnya ozon, ya)
Tetap tersenyum bumiku
Karena aku akan membantumu

Warna baru! Jingga : Cinta Bumi ( jangan cinta beneran, tunggu untuk cinta sejatimu )


Lingkungan yang tidak dipedulikan
Betapa kasihannya kalian
Saya juga tidak peduli
Kamu selalu diam sunyi
Mungkin saya harus lebih prihatin
Tetapi saya masih miskin
Kalian selalu baik
Tetapi saya tidak tertarik
Walaupun kalian masih hidup
Udaramu tidak ingin dihirup
Lama-lama kalian akan mati
Aku akan menguburmu dalam peti

Warna Baru! Ungu : Penuh Bercanda

Our Motto!

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Our motto is simple, but we also prefer.
Just kidding in Indonesia we also have this motto.
Ingat ini hanya slogan, tetapi lakukan saja. Ingat tulisannya berwarna Hijau. 
Memiliki banyak slogan itu menyenangkan, kita bisa mengingatkan diri kita sendiri, "Aku ingin menjadi orang seperti apa? Inilah fungsi slogan.

Never Care...

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We haven't posted anything about globalization, for that we are TRULY sorry.

Yes, global warming is important and we should bla bla bla bla....

Here's the thing! We don't like to post saying you should do this and do that just to prevent Global Warming. Honestly, we never cared about global warming, but eventually we have to try and save our earth... Do you want to die feeling like you're being cooked in an oven?!

I thinks Globalization is a pain in the neck. It gets hotter and hotter every second of the day. I don't like hot weathers. I prefer cold weathers.

Look at my plants... this is only a small part of it. I'm not saying you HAVE to plant trees, but the one getting the benefits is you. You get a nice cool atmosphere and no hot weather is going to get in you way!

So, try and plant trees. You can help global warming. It helps a lot of people!

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


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I like to think eavesdropping isn't a crime or a bad doing. Its a super power that not anyone can pull off. You have to have skill in spying and not getting caught. Eavesdropping can be used for good and not evil. I like to think of it as a service to help.

For instance, I like to eavesdrop on my parents. They won't tell me anything and would probably say, " This is adult business." They never know that I don't take no for an answer. Oh yeah... for the record, I only eavesdrop when I need and want to. I know when it's really private and that it shouldn't be heard other than specific people. I can keep my ears to myself if I want to.

Sometime if my "friends" are doing something that isn't honorable. I would try to eavesdrop on them to find out more. I'd like to say, "There are no honor among cheaters" . My eavesdropping can be of use, like a witness to a crime.

There are several ways to eavesdrop people by not getting caught. Unfortunately, I can't tell you guys any of my secrets. It's fun having secrets, but holding too many secrets isn't a good thing.

PS : Don't do this if you're not a specialist.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


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I just watched an amazing movie! It feels like I have to write this post! I can't stop thinking about it, even though I'm supposed to study for my mid-term.

I always complain about my school. I complain about everything! The teachers. The lessons. The extracurricular. Everything! The teachers there always push the students too hard. They never care if we're tired or we have lessons after school. We always finish school around 3.00 P.M., sometimes 4. They care about the reputation of the school so much, they never pay attention to what we want. We like to have a day off like other schools. We like to go home not too late. We want to enjoy our school life! We don't want to stress anything out.

Even so... I just realized this. Do I want to change it? Do I want a normal school life with no suffering? Do I want to be dull? In the movie, a person asked..."Do you find yourself being dragged into troubles fun?" He could have a peaceful life, but instead he chose his original life. Now I ask this to myself, "Do I find living a torturous school life fun?" I hated it. I really do, but... I don't want to give it up!

When I finish this school. I'll say, "Time flies so fast." I'll remember my suffering and think of it as an important memory. Maybe I'll thank my teachers someday, but now... I think I'm living a good life.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


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Emotions... an essential thing that makes us human. Some say it only drags us down. I think it's fun.


You know, when people smile? I hate smiling! Why so we have to smile when someone greets you? Who made that rule anyway? When you smile, you never know if it's a fake or real. People always hide behind there mask, not showing their true identity. I think being happy is incredibly BORING! What's so fun in being happy all the time? No one can do that. You can force yourself, but it's still no good.


I'm very well know with this emotion. I like give deadly glares at people, mostly guests. Although... my parents banned me from doing that or running away when there's guests in my house. I like this emotion. Being angry gives you power of some sort. Motivation you can say. It can change all your hard work of being a goody two shoes into dust. It gives power, but can give you less control. Be careful, okay?


You think sadness is a weakness, but weakness makes us stronger.  I like this emotion too. I like crying once in a while, but I don't feel sad at all. I like to remember sad things just to make me cry. Sadness is a small part of depression. Every story has one big part of depression before they awaken. The main character counters a huge problem and got depressed, but right in the end, he struggles to make everything better. I think of sadness is a hurdle for everyone to overcome. A test.


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The only thing people ever need is their imagination. You think it's easy? If you have an amazing imagination, you can easily be on top! Someone who is really really smart can't adjust every situation if they don't have any imagination. I like to imagine many things that aren't here in the world. That's why I like making stories. I made many but none of them were good enough to be continued. Except for this one, The Quilines.

What I'm proud of is not my grades (they're terrible by the way). I'm only proud of doing things that people can't. I like fixing things. I'm usually good at fixing things! Imagining things could help you remember, you know? It helps me study, but I'm never focused when I'm studying, it's so boring!

Have ever you dream something, but you can't remember? It happens to me all the time. The only way I can remember it is by doing the thing I dreamed of. If my dream has me falling, and I fell.... I can remember my dream completely. Every detail, every conversation. Neat, huh? :D

Although.... sometimes imagining can be a burden too. I sometime imagine things too far. When I read my weekly manga, I remember reading a conversation. A very essential conversation. I wanted to read it again. I asked my friends in the manga community, but no one knew what chapter is it. They said there's no conversation like that in the manga. I remember reading it! I remember the page, the faces, the words. How come nobody know it? It happens a lot. It seems I like to imagine things that aren't real and feel like it is.

Even so! It's really fun! Keep imagining and don't stop!


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No matter what... I'm always afraid. I'm always afraid that no matter what I write... No matter what I imagine... My story will never be good. I like making stories. I'm the type of person who put everything I know into my story. Everything I read. Everything I see. Everything I hear, I try to put it. This is the worst part.

I'm afraid that the story I'm writing is just a copy of one of the book I read. That's why I'm always afraid. Never making my own original story. I'm scared of that more than anything else. When my friends read my story, and they said the name characters wrong, it really makes me sad. It means they never really read it or worse... they think it's almost the same with another character of another story.

My friends usually said to me that my characters are more like the character of Fairy Tail, the author is Hiro Mashima. Hiro Mashima is my idol. I read every comic book he have ever made. I don't want my characters to be like Hiro's. I don't want people thinking that I'm copying him. I'm always sad when my friends say these kind of things. I try to put my usual smile and act like I accept that as a compliment, but actually I accept that as a GIANT insult....

Still... I'm grateful for my friends for still reading the stories I made. I'm not a people person... but I... like just the way I am! I like being different. I like being unique or weird. Even so... everything I write... everything I do... I got all of it from all of the people I met. They are my inspirations for my story.... and for myself! Anything can inspire you to to what's best for you. You can come up in ways that will help others!

Remember, just be who you are.

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


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You know... reading. It's very enjoyable in so many ways. An entertainment, an activity to keep our mind at peace, an escape route from the real life. Yes... reading a peaceful activity that everybody enjoys....... and yet, why do we feel so frustrated?!

I enjoy reading, I really do. My favorite novels are fiction novels. They're really great, except for Harry Potter... I dislike that novel. Anyone can write a life novel based on their experience, but everyone can write fiction stories. Fantasy, imagination, it's the heart of all fiction novels.

Currently, I'm reading a fiction novel by Catherine Fisher. The first book was Incarceron, which I found very interesting. I kept reading and finished it in two days. I searched for reviews on the second book. I read almost all of it. I'm not finished with the sequel which is Sapphique. Something is holding me back. Something is stopping my reading. I feel so frustrated!

Reading is supposed to be enjoyed! Why do I feel this way?! I'm scared that I'll find an ending that I don't like and that it will be the end of that. No more Trilogy, no nothing. I'm just going to face the facts that the ending is that. Whether is good or bad, there's nothing I can do to change the writer's mind or book. I'm stuck in a rut. Feeling frustrated over the ending of a book is really silly. Why should we do that? We readers should just enjoy the book that the author made so hard, but I always complain!

"I don't like it!" "Why is the ending like this?!" "What's wrong with this book?!" That's what I always say when I finished a book that has an ending of which I dislike. I complain if the ending is sad, I complain if the ending is good ( good seems so boring). When will I not complain if every time a book has a bad or good ending?

That's why... I'm making my own story. A story that only I can twist and decide. I'm tired of having high expectations for everything I read! This is the last stand! I'm making my own book. I'll be the ruler in my own imagination!

Although, I'm still grateful for all those author who made the book I read. It makes me less naive about stories. I'm learning... I'm learning to create my own world. It also helps us understand our world and the people in it better too. Start Reading! You'll be surprised of what you can find!

So, reading is a very enjoyable thing. Enjoy it while it lasts for eternity... because the limit of people's imagination is the sky!

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Being Lazy is No Crime!

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You know.... being "lazy" is not a crime. I'm very lazy. I'm the face of lazy. I make Sloths look like a hard worker, and Sloths always sleeps! When I do something worthy of something, it's usually because I also get a benefit. Doing your homework is not a big deal, but for me... it's a BIG deal. Students think of homework as a big burden, but not me! I think of it like an alarm to wake me up every morning for "school".

Wait... I'm writing being lazy is a crime. I'm trying to say it isn't!! Opposite of lazy is stress. Too much stress is because of doing too much work. Too lazy is because of not doing anything. They balance each other out. You think of taking a rest is the best medicine. I think of it is also being lazy for a short period of time. So being lazy is not a crime if you really need it. Just so you know, I'm lazy to balances out everyone's stress.

Okay... I think what I'm trying to say is; be lazy for a short time or REST to balance out the stress!

Stories : The Quilines

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 Ini adalah cerita yang dikarang oleh salah satu pemubuat blog ini :D
Tolong baca! 
The Quilines

          Sphere, dunia yang menakjubkan dan penuh dengan keajaiban. Hal-hal yang magis selalu terlihat, tidak disembunyikan. Mimpi mistis bukan sebuah mimpi lagi, melainkan sebuah realitas. Walaupun begitu, Sphere yang dipenuhi dengan keajaiban ini selalu ditakuti. Manusia  sudah tidak menganggap keajaiban ini sebagai hal yang indah, tetapi sebuah kutukan. Kutukan yang mereka takuti adalah suatu kekuatan yang dipanggil sihir.
Sihir adalah sebuah kekuatan yang bisa menjadikan mimpimu menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Manusia-manusia yang bisa melakukan sihir disebut Paranom. Sihir hanya bisa dikeluarkan dari hati diri sendiri. Sebenarnya sihir bukan hal yang ditakuti oleh manusia, tetapi diterima, saat hari-hari masih damai dan sihir selalu diperkembangkan.  Semua masih merasa aman walaupun ada sihir. Tetapi semuanya mulai berubah saat sihir mulai digunakan di tangan yang salah. Semua ini terjadi di negara Falindia.
            Negara Falindia adalah pusat dari semua sihir. Negara yang luas dan jaya. Falindia adalah pemimpin negara lain. Juga dikatakan memiliki kekuatan sihir yang terkuat dari negara lain. Peninggalan dan makhluk-makhluk yang paling menakjubkan selalu ditemukan di negara ini. Peninggalan yang paling ajaib adalah Rune Circle.
Di dunia Sphere, Rune Circle adalah tempat dimana dilakukan ritual untuk para paranom, tetapi Rune Circle ditutup tanpa diketahui alasannya kenapa. Dikatakan bahwa Rune Circle yang digunakan untuk ritual menambah kekuatan sebuah paranom, tetapi ada dampak buruknya… Setiap orang yang menggunakannya berakhir dengan ada kesalahan yang terjadi. Dari hilangnya penggunaan salah satu bagian tubuh sampai kehilangan nyawanya sendiri. Dinyatakan bahwa Rune Circle adalah tempat yang tidak stabil dan tidak bisa digunakan oleh siapa pun. Permasalahan ini membuat ketidak stabilan tingkat sihir yang dikeluarkan oleh Rune Circle. Tempat inilah asal mula dari ketakutan dunia Sphere. 
Tahun 1041, ada seseorang paranom bernama Qrocks yang tinggal di Falindia. Qrocks adalah seorang laki-laki berumur 29 tahun. Rambut dan matanya berwarna hitam. Qrocks adalah seseorang yang senang mempelajari ilmu sihir. Dia juga orang yang sangat spesial. Suatu hari Qrocks melewati sebuah buku sihir yang tersembunyi di Gua Dinity, Qrocks menemukannya saat dia berkelana ke bagian utara negara Falindia. Bisa dikatakan kalau buku itulah yang selama ini dicari Qrocks.
 Qrocks mempelajari tiap kata yang tertulis di buku itu. Bukunya yang bernama Paradox, berisi dengan sihir-sihir yang tertinggi yaitu sihir Trix. Di buku Paradox dikatakan cara mendapatkan semua sihir Trix; Element, Time, Satan, dan bahkan lebih. Rune Circle adalah jawabannya, tetapi Qrocks tidak bisa membaca seluruh buku Paradox. Dua lembar terakhirnya telah tersobek dari buku tersebut. Qrocks berusaha untuk melakukan ritualnya, dia tidak ingin membuang kesempatan yang berharga ini.
            Ritualnya berlangsung dengan semua hal yang diperkirakan Qrocks perlukan; Batu Calliber, Daun Nirvana, dan taring seekor naga. Benda-benda ini sangatsulit didapatkan, tetapi tidak mustahil. Qrocks mengatakan mantranya dengan benar. Setelah satu detik setelah mantranya telah diucapkan, Qrocks diselimuti dengan cahaya dari bawah tanah. Cahaya yang putih dan murni berubah menjadi hitam dan tercemar. Qrocks tidak bisa keluar dari Rune Circle dan terperangkap dengan mantra berbahaya yang keluar dari Rune Circle. Setelah cahaya hitam sudah menghilang, Qrocks berdiri dengan senyuman yang sinis dan matanya berubah warna menjadi merah. Sudah dikatakan bahwa setiap paranom yang melakukan ritual berakhir dengan suatu kesalahan. Kesalahan yang telah jatuh ke Qrocks adalah kehilangan jati dirinya dan diganti dengan kejahatan yang tidak bisa dibayangkan oleh manusia.
            Qrocks yang berubah menjadi jahat menjadi haus dengan kekuatan. Keinginannya adalah untuk menakluk dunia Sphere. Dia memulai dari Falindia. Kekuatannya yang kuat membuat penduduk Falindia ketakutan. Kerusakan yang dia perbuat sangat besar. Para pemimpin negara Falindia tidak bisa berbuat apapun, dengan alasan kekuatan sihir mereka tidak sebanding dengan sihir yang digunakan Qrocks, yaitu Trix Satan. Akhirnya negara Falindia jatuh di tangan Qrocks.
Rumah-rumah yang terbakar, tubuh-tubuh manusia yang terdampar tanpa nyawa, dan suara tangisan dimana-mana. Kejadian ini berlangsung selama satu tahun dan dinamakan “Qrocks Raid”. Semua harta, kenangan dan harapan menjadi abu. Negara Falindia menjadi penuh dengan ketakutan dan kejadian ini mempengaruhi negara lain. Negara Falindia yang dikenal sebagai jantung sihir, membawa negara lain dibawahnya. Tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan Qrocks saat itu. Tetapi satu cahaya harapan muncul, yaitu seorang wanita bernama Aqualine Breeze.
            Aqualine Breeze adalah seseorang yang menggunakan sihir Trix Element. Sihir Trix adalah sihir yang paling kuat dari sihir lain. Sejak lahir, Aqualine telah memiliki kekuatan penuh dari sihir Trix Element. Aqualine datang kembali ke nagara Falindia dari negara Rouna, ke negara lahirnya yang tersayang. Dia adalah kebanggaan keluarga Breeze dan seorang putri yang terhormat.
Aqualine adalah wanita yang mempesona berumur 26 tahun. Dia memiliki rambut biru tua yang sepanjang bahunya. Matanya yang berwana biru muda dan murni. Aqualine berasal dari keluarga Breeze yaitu satu-satunya keluarga sah yang memiliki sihir Trix Element dari genereadi ke generasi. Orang tuanya meninggal karena penyakit yang aneh. Jadi, Aqualine adalah satu-satunya penerus keluarga Breeze. Tanda Paranom Trixnya yaitu yang berbentuk seperti bulan sabit yang didampingi sebuah lingkaran di dalamnya. Tandanya  berwarna biru muda yang terletak di dahinya.  
Aqualine melawan Qrocks untuk kebebasan negara Falindia, dan untuk keinginannya sendiri. Qrocks menerima tantangannya, dia menginginkan sebuah pertunjukan untuk penduduk Falindia. Pertunjukan untuk memberi contoh sanksi bagi orang yang menantangnya, dan untuk  mengahancurkan harapan satu-satunya mereka.
Pertarungannya sangat dahsyat, Aqualine dan Qrocks bertarung selama 3 hari dan 3 malam. Kerusakan atas akibat pertarungannya sangat mengerikan sampai penduduk Falindia bersembunyi didalam bawah tanah. Qrocks tidak menduga Aqualine begitu kuat, sepertinya dia telah meremehkan sang putrid keluarga Breeze. Aqualine dan Qrocks bertarung sampai tetesan darah mereka yang terakhir. Darah mengalir dari tangan, kepala, dan kaki mereka.
Dengan tenaga terakhirnya, Aqualine menggunakan sihir Walordy. Sihir yang memberikan paranom Trix Element kekuatan dari element yang tidak terbatas dengan gantinya paranom yang menggunakannya akan mendapat kerusakan dalam sistem organnya, yaitu sangat meny`akitkan sampai paranom tersebut bisa kehilangan nyawanya. Sihir ini hanya terdapat di keluarga Breeze. Sihir Walordy hanya dipakai untuk harapan terakhir.
Aqualine yang menggunakan sihir itu, berhasil mengakhiri nyawanya Qrocks. Tetapi setelah Aqualine menggunakan sihir Walordy, penduduk Falindia masih bisa mendengar teriakan kesakitannya. Beberapa saat kemudian suara teriakan berhenti dan tubuh Aqualine hilang. Letak  dimana tubuhnya Qrocks ditemukan, bisa terlihat ada aura hitam yang keluar  dari tubuhnya dan menghilang. Kejadian “Qrocks Raid” berakhir pada tanggal 17 bulan 8 tahun 1042. Penduduk negara Falindia kembali lagi ke kaki mereka dan membangun lagi negara mereka yang runtuh.
 Sebagai tanda terima kasih untuk Aqualine Breeze dari penduduk Falindia, dibuatlah makam untuk Aqualine didepan Rune Circle. Walaupun tubuh Aqualine tidak ditemukan, diperkirakan bahwa tubuh Aqualine hancur karena efek dari sihir Walordy. Tetapi sejak itu, para pemimpin dari negara Falindia dan negara lain menjatuhkan peraturan mengenai pembubaran penggunaan sihir. Semua penduduk dunia Sphere kehilangan kekuatannya untuk menggunakan sihir. Tetapi ada beberapa orang yang betapa susahnya dicoba untuk dihilangkan sihirnya, masih mempunyai kekuatannya. Orang-orang itu pemilik sihir Trix yang dapat dari warisan keluaraga. Bagi orang yang mendapat sihir Trix secara kerja keras, tidak bisa mempertahankannya. Akibatnya penduduk dunia Sphere masih dalam keraguan.
            Sudah sepuluh tahun telah berlalu dan penduduk negara Falindia merasa tenang. Kecuali bagi orang-orang yang masih bisa mengguanakan sihir, mereka harus menghadapi kehidupannya dengan kesulitan. Para penduduk negara Falindia menyendirikannya. Para Paranom yang sekarang terpaksa menjalankan hidupnya sendiri. Mereka harus tetap kuat dan berusaha untuk bersosialisasi. Tetapi setelah banyak tahun berlalu, penduduk dunia Sphere akan mengetahui berapa banyak sihir yang mereka akan butuhkan…

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011


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This is our blog entry for the blog competition with the theme "Show Our True selves to the world". There's going to be stories, personal experience, and even tips. Those entry blogs are little parts of us that we want to show.


PS: Blue letters mean : Reminders
      Green letters mean : Go, You should do what the letters say
      Red letters mean : Stop, You SHOULDN'T do what the letter say
      Black letter mean : Neutral